Local Educational Agency Sustainability Rubric

The Sustainability Rubric for Local Educational Agencies is a tool for LEAs to assess the sustainability of a specific priority reform—a body of work that an LEA is undertaking in order to achieve two or more priority goals for student outcomes.

The Sustainability Rubric for Local Educational Agencies is a tool for LEAs to assess the sustainability of a specific priority reform.  

Title: Local Educational Agency Sustainability Rubric  

Description: The Sustainability Rubric for Local Educational Agencies is a tool for LEAs to assess the sustainability of a specific priority reform—a body of work that an LEA is undertaking in order to achieve two or more priority goals for student outcomes. The rubric covers 19 elements of sustainability and what characterizes inadequate to exemplary for each element. The rubric should be used in conjunction with the Sustainability Self-Assessment Workbook for Local Educational Agencies.The rubric is most valuable when applied by a team composed of LEA team members who have leadership roles with respect to either the specific priority reform(s) and/or the areas of focus that the LEA has identified in the sustainability rubric. This tool could also be used at the higher echelons of an LEA to assess the agency’s overall readiness to sustain priority reforms, or within specific offices or content teams within the LEA.The rubric is accompanied by a rubric summary and a Self-Assessment Workbook

The following documents are available for download from the Reform Support Network(link is external):


Local Educational Agency Sustainability Rubric