Native Achievement Programs

The Native Achievement Programs group administers grant programs that provide resources to meet the unique needs of Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students. Grantees under the Alaska Native Education program use their funds for such activities as the development of curricula and education programs that address the education needs of Alaska Native students, and the development and operation of student enrichment programs in science and mathematics. The purpose of the Native Hawaiian Education program is to develop innovative education programs to assist Native Hawaiians and to supplement and expand programs and authorities in the area of education. 

The two grant programs administered by the Native Achievement Programs group are: 

  • Alaska Native Education Program (ALN 84.356A): The Alaska Native Education program serves the unique educational needs of Alaska Natives and recognizes the roles of Alaska Native languages and cultures in the educational success and long-term well-being of Alaska Native students.  
  • Native Hawaiian Education Program (ALN 84.362A): The Native Hawaiian Education program serves the unique educational needs of Native Hawaiians and recognizes the roles of Native Hawaiian languages and cultures in the educational success and long-term well-being of Native Hawaiian students. The program also funds the Native Hawaiian Education Council (NHEC), which was established in 1994 with the statutory responsibility to coordinate, assess, and provide guidance to appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies on the effectiveness of existing education programs for Native Hawaiians, the state of present Native Hawaiian education efforts, and improvements that may be made to existing programs, policies, and procedures to improve the educational attainment of Native Hawaiians. 

Contact Information

  • Dr. Erin M. Sampson, Group Leader, Native Achievement Programs
    U.S. Department of Education
    Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
    400 Maryland Ave. S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20202-6400