Per Pupil Expenditures: Nebraska

To navigate this page, use the filter options below to search by district, city, grade level, or Title I status. The table provides the district name, school name, city, and total school-level PPE data. The table shows district-level PPE data in rows where there is no school name. If you click on the “more information” button, you will see additional information as reported by the State (e.g., Federal versus State and local PPE). At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to a downloadable Microsoft Excel file with each data point for each school and district in the State and school year for which data are available on this website. Please contact your State if you have questions about this information.

Download Excel file. This table provides per pupil expenditure (PPE) data extracted on 10/14/2020 from This site was last updated on 11/16/2020