Student-Centered Funding Pilot Submissions

Spring 2018 Submissions

This list includes all local educational agencies (LEAs) that applied for the Student-centered Funding Pilot as of the March 12, 2018, deadline and does not indicate their eligibility for an agreement.

District Jurisdiction
Wilsona School District California
Indianapolis Public Schools Indiana
Salem-Keizer School District 24J Oregon
Upper Adams School District Pennsylvania
Puerto Rico Department of Education Local Flexibility Demonstration Agreement Approval Letter (6/28/2018) Updated Implementation Timing (1/3/2019) Update to Authority (4/16/2019) Puerto Rico

Summer 2018 Submission This list includes the LEA that applied for the Student-Centered Funding Pilot as of the July 15, 2018, deadline and does not indicate its eligibility for an agreement.

District Jurisdiction
Roosevelt School District Arizona