
Data Collection Information

ED Data Express

To access data collected and published by the Department of Education, please see ED Data Express.

EDFacts File Specifications

The specific file specification relevant to the collection and submission of teacher data is FS 203. To access all file specifications for all EDFacts data files, please see the following page. For more information about the Department’s EDFacts Initiative, which includes data collection for Title II, Part A, please see the following page.

Monitoring Reports

OESE periodically assesses States’ efforts in implementing Federal grant programs. By completing periodic assessments of SEA grant administration across multiple OESE programs, including Title II, Part A, OESE is able to gather accurate information about States’ compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as information about grant performance. OESE uses this information about State and local needs to provide high-quality, differentiated support to States and districts.

Consolidated monitoring reports, monitoring protocols, and information about the consolidated monitoring process are available on the Office of School Support and Accountability’s (SSA) Performance Reports page. This page also contains single program monitoring reports.