Reporting and Performance

The functions of the Title III, Part A program have moved to the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA). This continues to be the program’s official page until further notice.

Data Collection Information

ED Data Express

To access data collected and published by the Department of Education, please see ED Data Express.

 EDFacts Page

For more information about the Department’s EDFacts Initiative, which includes data collection for Title III, Part A, please see the following page.

Title III Data Quality Effort

This effort provides a venue for technical assistance, support, and collaboration for SEA Title III and EDFacts Coordinators, to improve the quality of Title III-related data that states submit through EDFacts and their Consolidated State Performance Reports (CSPRs).


Guide to Collecting and Reporting Title III Data (March 2023)

Title III Data Reporting Process SY2022–23

Title III CSPR Data Submission SY 2022-23

Title III EDFacts Data Submission SY 2022-23

Title III EDFacts Data Crosswalk SY2022–23

Title III Data Quality Kick-Off Webinar (March 24, 2022)

  1. PPT presentation
  2. Webinar transcript

Title III Data Quality Webinar 2 (June 8, 2022)

  1. PPT Presentation
  2. Webinar transcript

Title III Data Quality Webinar 3 (September 14, 2022)

  1. PPT Presentation
  2. Webinar transcript

Title III Data Quality Webinar 4 (January 18, 2023)

  1. PPT Presentation
  2. Webinar Transcript

Title III Data Quality Webinar 5 (April 26, 2023)

  1. PPT Presentation
  2. Webinar Transcript

Community of Practice – LIEPs and Reporting

  1. COP Session 1 (February 6, 2023)
  2. COP Session 2 (March 20, 2023)
  3. COP Session 3 (May 3, 2023)
  4. COP Session 4 (June 14, 2023)

Monitoring Reports

OESE periodically assesses States’ efforts in implementing Federal grant programs. By completing periodic assessments of SEA grant administration across multiple OESE programs, including Title III, Part A, OESE is able to gather accurate information about States’ compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as information about grant performance. OESE uses this information about State and local needs to provide high-quality, differentiated support to States and districts.

Consolidated monitoring reports, monitoring protocols, and information about the consolidated monitoring process are available on the Office of School Support and Accountability’s (SSA) Performance Reports page. Monitoring protocols for the Title III, Part A program are also available on this page.