English Language Acquisition State Grants – Title III, Part A

School Support and Accountability


Formula Grants

The functions of the Title III, Part A program have moved to the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA). This continues to be the program’s official page until further notice.


This program is designed to improve the education of English Learner (EL) children and youth by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. The program also provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth. Funds are distributed to states based on a formula that takes into account the number of immigrant and EL students in each state.


States must develop goals for increasing progress in English language proficiency for EL students that measure their success in meeting challenging state academic content and achievement standards. Schools use the funds to implement language instruction educational programs designed to help EL students achieve these standards. Approaches and methodologies used must be rooted in evidence-based research. Local educational agency LEAs may develop and implement new language instruction programs and expand or enhance existing programs. LEAs also may implement schoolwide programs within individual schools or implement systemwide programs to restructure, reform, or upgrade all programs, activities, or operations related to the education of their EL students.

Contact Information

  • Leticia Braga and Fariba Hamedani, Program Specialists
    Beatriz Ceja-Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary
    Office of English Learners
    U.S. Department of Education, OELA
    400 Maryland Ave SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202-6132