
National Data Summary

This December 2023 report provides a summary of demographic data collected by the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program. The report includes an examination of data collected for the 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 school years. Information on the number of students experiencing homelessness, their primary nighttime residence, subgroups of students, and race/ethnicity of students experiencing homelessness is included.  To view this report please see Student Homelessness in America: School Years 2019-20 to 2021-22.

Archived editions of this report are available at

Data Collection Information

To access data collected and published by the Department of Education, please see ED Data Express.

EDFacts File Specifications

The specific file specifications relevant to the collection and submission of homeless student data are FS 118, FS 170 and FS 194. In addition, homeless students are a category set in the following files:  Title I, Part A participation (FS 037), dropout and graduate/completer counts (FS 032 and 040), participation and achievement on State assessments in reading/language arts, mathematics and science (FS 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189), graduation rates (FS 150 and 151), and chronic absenteeism (FS 195). To access all file specifications for all EDFacts data files, please see the following page. For more information about the Department’s EDFacts Initiative, which includes data collection for EHCY, please see the following page.

LEA Homeless Student Enrollment Flat and Long Files

Since the 2013-2014 School Year, the Department has released LEA-level homeless student enrollment data with privacy protections applied. The files and documentation are available at the following page.

Monitoring Reports

OESE periodically assesses States’ efforts in implementing Federal grant programs. By completing periodic assessments of SEA grant administration across multiple OESE programs, including EHCY, OESE is able to gather accurate information about States’ compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as information about grant performance. OESE uses this information about State and local needs to provide high-quality, differentiated support to States.

Consolidated monitoring reports, monitoring protocols, and information about the consolidated monitoring process are available on the Office of School Support and Accountability’s (SSA) Performance Reports page. An SEA self-assessment tool and monitoring protocol for the EHCY program and other programs are also available on this . In searching for monitoring reports by State or program going back to 2007, please note that EHCY was included with reports for Title I, Parts A and D until 2014, only Title I, Part D in 2015, and only EHCY from 2016-2019.