Evidence Resources

Below, we offer evidence resource documents that will to help applicants understand, design, and implement evaluation methods for educator development programs in a way that is consistent with the Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards.

Below is a slide deck Finding Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Evidence from WWC.

PowerPoint thumbnail for linked Slideshow

We are also attaching the WWC link which provides additional evidence resources.

How to meet WWC standards handbook link here.

The evidence review protocol used for the current SEED competition, the version 4.1 Review of Individual Studies Protocol, posted here.

The SEED program worked with IES to create additional resources with information on how to meet the evidence requirements for this year’s competition. These two resources are checklists that help applicants go through some key things they need to ensure their citations are likely to meet the required evidence standard.